Civil Rights TRAFFIC STOP “Traffic Stop” is a short animated documentary. Alex Landau, an African American man, was raised by his adoptive white parents to believe that skin color didn’t matter. But when Alex was pulled over by Denver police officers one night in 2009, he lost his belief in a color-blind world—and nearly lost his life. Alex tells his mother, Patsy Hathaway, what happened that night and how it affects him to this day. (Source: StoryCorps) Directed by: Gina Kamentsky & Julie Zammarchi Executive Producers: Donna Galeno, Dave Isay & Lizzie Jacobs Produced by: Rachel Hartman & Roxana Petzold Audio Produced by: Jud Esty-Kendall Supervising Sound Recordist: Daniel Sitts Animation, Design & Production: Gina Kamentsky & Julie Zammarchi Animation Assistant: Temah Nelson Production Intern: Jeremy Gordon Original Music: Joshua Abrams Music Performed by: Joshua Abrams, Marquis Hill, Emmett Kelly & Adam Thornburg Music Mixed by: Joshua Abrams & Neil Strauch Publisher: Lospotreros Funding Provided by Corporation for Public Broadcasting W.K. Kellogg Foundation In partnership with POV NPR American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress Share This Previous ArticleGUNS N' ROSES PARKING LOT Next ArticleLive to Tape with Johnny Pemberton July 22, 2017