Film Reviews ‘THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING’: Naomi Klein Does a Michael Moore Without the Humor in Climate Change Doc By Gregory Crofton You have to admire the raw effort Canadian journalist Naomi Klein has put into saving our world. She wrote a book, “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate,” and spent years filming a documentary about climate change and how its impacts might be the shock to the system that lefties need to unite, eliminate capitalism, and right the planet. But as my friend said to me after we finished watching the film, “Aren’t they just preaching to the choir?” Yes, Klein is talking to her fans and fellow environmentalists. But what else is there to do? At the very least she should have reported what the other side believes and thinks, or what they have to say about her proposed path forward. The closest this documentary gets to the other side is to surreptitiously film right wingers grotesquely laughing during an anti-climate change political gathering. Instead in this documentary Klein travelings the globe, a la Michael Moore minus the humor, observing how things are not going very well at all, talking to the people who are suffering and trying to fight back. It’s draining and monotonous. THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING is playing at select theaters now. To find out more about the film, visit its website here. Share This Previous ArticleSandorkraut: A Pickle Maker Next ArticleDominant FanDuel Fantasy Sports King October 25, 2015