Documentaries The Wolf Dividing Norway With unique access to remote communities in the snow-capped landscape of Norway, this film follows characters on either side of a fierce debate on whether to cull the wolf population. For decades the topic has split political parties, families and communities across the country, with environmentalists world-wide criticising Norway for how it handles its tiny population of critically endangered wolves. Here, a group of hunters await news from the government on whether their yearly hunt will be permitted, while the environmentalists anticipate the worst. With angry threats on both sides, the film takes a deep dive into what’s at stake for both groups, as well as the wider world Film-maker Kyrre Lien on filming the hunt, one of the most polarised events in Norway. Read the interview here Directed and produced by: Kyrre LienCinemtographer: Kyrre LienEditor: Mathias AskelandAssistant Producer and researcher: Peder BlümleinSound design: Kyrre Lien and Mathias AskelandExecutive Producers for the Guardian: Lindsay Poulton and Jess GormleyA Guardian DocumentaryLength – 29 minsSource: The Guardian Share This Previous ArticleSERIAL [Season One] Did Adnan Syad Murder His Ex-Girlfriend Hae Min Lee? Next ArticleEddie Murphy and Jerry Seinfeld Debate Funniest Comedians of All Time December 10, 2020