Film Reviews ‘THE SOURCE FAMILY’: About a Cult Leader Who Liked to Rock and Eat Health Food Before Father Yod became a health food cult leader, he served as a U.S. Marine, practiced Jujitsu, and went by the name James Baker. His personal transformation took place in Hollywood, California, where he had moved in hopes of becoming a stuntman. Instead he fell in with members of the West Coast Beat Generation, tried out being a monk but later opted for food service, opening an organic, vegetarian restaurant called The Source. Hot girls joined the mix. And soon celebrities such as Marlon Brando and John Lennon did too. Next thing you know, Father Yod was the lead singer of a rock jam band that recorded under the name “YoHoWha 13.” “THE SOURCE FAMILY” opens this weekend at The Belcourt Theatre here in Nashville. Be sure to check your local art house theater to see if it’s playing. Looks like it might be pretty good. Share This Previous ArticleTHE PANAMA DECEPTION Next ArticleMagician David Blaine: How I Held My Breathe for 17 Minutes May 17, 2013