Podcasts The Recording of America Studs Terkel, born 106 years ago on this date, May 16, spent the majority of his life documenting the lives of others – very often everyday, working-class people he believed were “uncelebrated and unsung.” From coal miners and sharecroppers to gangsters and prostitutes, every American had a story to tell and Terkel wanted to hear it. After Terkel died in 2008, publisher Andre Schiffrin, who edited Terkel’s writing for more than four decades, spoke with Bob about Terkel’s singular gift for oral history. Share This Previous Article'WE BECAME FRAGMENTS': A Teenager Who Fled Syrian War Starts Over in Canada Next ArticleThe Brothel King: Dennis Hof on His Friend Andy Kaufman and the Beginnings of Moonlight BunnyRanch May 20, 2018