Biography The King of Fish and Chips For every icon there are those who were almost famous. And perhaps they, even more than their conqueror, have the lessons we need to hear. As someone who immigrated to the United States to build a company, I felt a kinship with Mr. Salt. His story poses big questions: What’s more important, integrity of vision or financial success? Is bigger always better? What, really, is the difference between Colonel Sanders and Haddon Salt? If there’s such a fine line between ending up as a household name or as cultural footnote, are founders really the right people to venerate? And where on earth can I get good fish and chips these days anyway? Ben Proudfoot is an Emmy-winning filmmaker, former magician, and founder & C.E.O. of Breakwater Studios, which specializes in short documentaries. Share This Previous ArticleSilver Jews on Juan's Basement Next ArticleThe Obamas' 'American Factory' Reveals Stark Difference Between U.S. and Chinese Culture and the Challenge of Globalization August 25, 2019