Conspiracy ‘THE INVISIBLE MAN’: CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling Speaks About His Espionage Conviction [vimeo id=”125107718″] This short documentary from Judith Ehrlich, nominated for an Oscar her documentary THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN AMERICA: DANIEL ELLSBERG AND THE PENTAGON PAPERS (2009), features another whistleblower, Jeffrey Sterling who was sentenced this week to three-and-a-half years in federal prison after being convicted of espionage. Sterling was charged with crimes related to the leak of classified information to New York Times reporter James Risen, who published a report in the paper that embarrassed the CIA. It disclosed a botched attempt by the agency to gum up Iran’s nuclear program by sharing faulty technological information with that country. Prior to the developments surrounding Risen’s published story, Sterling sued the CIA for racial discrimination and was fired by the agency. Share This Previous Article'KURT COBAIN: MONTAGE OF HECK' is a Wide Window Look Inside an Anguished Punk Rock Artist Next Article'A MATTER OF TASTE: SERVING UP PAUL LIEBRANDT': Immature and Oddly Persistent May 12, 2015