Biography Serena Williams: Sports Illustrated’s Sportsperson of 2015 Indeed, in 2015 Williams hit this rare sweet spot, a pinch-me patch where the exotic became the norm. She danced with Donald Trump on New Year’s Eve. She spent a night telling bedtime stories to the children of Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg. Growing up, Williams had devoured every Harry Potter book, marveled at the business empires of Oprah Winfrey and Martha Stewart. Now J.K. Rowling was tweeting against a critic of Williams’s body, now Oprah was hustling to watch her at the U.S. Open, now Stewart was calling Williams “the most powerful woman I know.” President Barack Obama, the most scrutinized man alive, told her how great it was to watch her. (Source: Sports Illustrated) Share This Previous ArticleBlues Great Junior Kimbrough Sings 'Sad Days, Lonely Nights' at His Juke Joint Next ArticleWorld Record Cliff Jump is 200 Feet April 2, 2016