Film Reviews Showtime’s Richard Pryor Doc Forgets the Comedy and Humanity I laughed hard at the start of “RICHARD PRYOR: OMIT THE LOGIC.” But as the documentary got rolling it turned into more of a tabloid take on the comedian’s harrowing life — one packed with drugs, alcohol and numerous marriages — than a film that captures the full picture of his life. It also includes unnecessary interviews with Civil Rights activist Jesse Jackson and comedian George Lopez. Marina Zenovich directed the documentary. She’s also helmed “ROMAN POLANSKI: WANTED AND DESIRED.” I like a good salacious story. I was interested to know the truth about Pryor’s freebasing “accident” that left him with third-degree burns. And to see footage of him falling apart on stage and cancel a show as he worked to capture a concert on film. Still “RICHARD PRYOR: OMIT THE LOGIC” leaves you wishing you had laughed more, and knew more of the human side of this complicated, black pioneer. Look for the film on Showtime. Paul Mooney on how he met Richard Pryor: Share This Previous ArticleKurt Cobain Signs Autograph for Boy Backstage at Reading Music Festival Next ArticleNirvana Live at Rhino Records in 1989 June 4, 2013