Drugs Roasted: A Coffee Documentary “Roasted” is a documentary directed by Matt Ellenbogen. It is the story of how one man’s pursuit of the perfect cup of coffee catapulted a small surf town to the top of the coffee world. Chuck Patton, a former community college professor living in Bird Rock, CA started roasting his own coffee beans at home in 2001. With the help of his wife Elke, he grew this hobby into a successful small business and in 2012 their shop, Bird Rock Coffee Roasters was nationally recognized as the Micro Roaster of the Year. In the quest for better beans, Chuck led the charge for community redevelopment in Bird Rock, took on the largest coffeehouse chain in the world and traveled thousand of miles to find direct trade partners across the globe. Share This Previous ArticleBob Dylan Live from Oakland in 1988 Next ArticleHow to Defeat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder August 22, 2014