Documentaries MANSON (1973) This film played at the New Beverly on August 9th 2016, followed by a Q&A with the director Robert Hendrickson who died two months later. Manson remains one of the most powerful documentaries on Charles Manson, chock-full of actual footage of The Family shot at the Spahn Ranch, linked to interviews with prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, ranch owner George Spahn, as well as Family members, Mary Brunner, Bruce Davis, Lynnette “Squeaky” Fromme, Sandra Good, Steve ‘Clem’ Grogan and even Manson himself. There is also an extensive look at Manson’s criminal background and misfortune-filled upbringing prior to his evolution into a guru for the dark side of sixties counterculture. The film was nominated for an Academy Award as Best Documentary in 1973. Marc Edward Heuck discusses Manson on the New Beverly blog. Share This Previous ArticleHow I Built This: Stonyfield Yogurt with Gary Hirshberg Next ArticleMANSON (1973) August 24, 2019