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‘Filthy Rich’ Shows the Late Jeffrey Epstein as a Criminal Mastermind

By Gregory Crofton Jeffrey Epstein let the head of his legal team, former Harvard law professor and defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, know he wasn’t satisfied with the plea deal made on his behalf in 2008. Still Epstein agreed to sign…

He Worked for Bernie Madoff and Can’t Find a Job

Laurence Curtis Ward has a stain on his resume. He worked for Bernie Madoff’s firm. (Source: CNN Money)

Marc Drier: The Harvard Lawyer Who Became a Swindler

“I can’t remember the moment in which I decided to something that I knew was wrong. I had an ambition that I needed to feed. I think I fell into the trap of wanting to be more successful than I…

Madoff Secretary Documentary: ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’

Surprise. Bernie Madoff could be a prick who acted like he knew everything. The trailer for “In God We Trust,” a documentary set to premiere soon at Tribeca Film Festival reveals this Madoff character flaw, hopefully one of many interesting…

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