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New Film on Leonard Cohen is Rich, Nuanced But Comes With Few ‘Words of Love’

By Gregory Crofton Leonard Cohen, the beloved poet and troubadour from Montreal, surely was a narcissist, but name a great artist who doesn’t carry at least a touch of self obsession? More interesting was Cohen’s struggle with depression, his heavy…

Johnny Cash on 60 Minutes

60 Minutes journalist Harry Reasoner visits Johnny Cash at his home in Hendersonville, Tenn., on Old Hickory Lake. They talk about his struggle with drug dependency.

Showtime’s Richard Pryor Doc Forgets the Comedy and Humanity

I laughed hard at the start of “RICHARD PRYOR: OMIT THE LOGIC.” But as the documentary got rolling it turned into more of a tabloid take on the comedian’s harrowing life — one packed with drugs, alcohol and numerous marriages…


In 2008, BBC cameras filmed two Swedish sisters throwing themselves into traffic on the M6. When it was shown on BBC One, nearly 7 million viewers were glued to their screens, and millions more watched it later on YouTube. The…

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