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‘THE ACT OF KILLING’: So Brilliant! No, Don’t You Believe the Hype

By Gregory Crofton I had my suspicions after I saw the ladies in pink dancing next to the mouth of a massive fish sculpture, but I went to the theater and watched the film anyway because Errol Morris and Werner…

Canadian Novelist ‘Margaret Atwood: Once in August’

Margaret Atwood: Once in August , Michael Rubbo, provided by the National Film Board of Canada In “Margaret Atwood: Once in August,” filmmaker Michael Rubbo attempts to discover what shapes the celebrated writer’s fiction and what motivates her characters. As…

‘FROM ONE SECOND TO THE NEXT’: Werner Herzog Documentary About Texting and Driving

Acclaimed director Werner Herzog’s documentary about the dangers of texting while driving.

“THE HOUSE I LIVE IN”: An Over-Long, Musing Episode of Frontline

By Gregory Crofton Eugene Jarecki’s “THE HOUSE I LIVE IN” has a similar feel to his brilliant “WHY WE FIGHT,” a 2005 documentary about the rise of America’s military industrial complex. But that feeling doesn’t arrive until you’re about three-quarters…

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