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Why New Diseases Keep Appearing in China

As Vox expert Peter Li points out in the video, “The majority of the people in China do not eat wildlife animals. Those people who consume these wildlife animals are the rich and the powerful –a small minority.” This video…

Crystal Meth Addict James Interviewed

Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of James, a crystal meth addicted man living on Skid Row. (Source: Soft White Underbelly)

A Couple’s Final Words to Each Other Accidentally Recorded

Couple’s final words are indelible. A son makes a surprising discovery on his elderly parents’ answering machine after his father’s passing. ( Source: The New Yorker)

The Insane Battle to Sabotage New Apartment Building Explains San Francisco’s Housing Crisis

Bob Tillman has spent nearly 5 years and $1.4 million trying to convert his laundromat into new housing in San Francisco. (Source: Reason)

Maggie Rogers: ‘Past Life’ Official Documentary

“Past Life,” a documentary by Maggie Rogers, celebrating the one year anniversary of her album ‘Heard It In A Past Life.’ (Source: Maggie Rogers YouTube Channel)

A 97-year-old Philosopher Faces His Own Death

Herbert Fingarette once argued that there was no reason to fear death. At 97, his own mortality began to haunt him, and he had to rethink everything. Read more: https://www.theatlantic.com/video/ind… “Being 97” was directed by Andrew Hasse (http://www.ftrmgc.com). It is…

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