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BLOOMBERG GAME CHANGERS follows Larry Ellison from his early days in Chicago through the founding of the multi-billion-dollar software company to his rise as the highest paid executive of the last decade with a total compensation of $1.84 billion.
Gentlemen of Letters – A Dublin Sign Painting Film from Colin Brady on Vimeo. Dublin has a rich history of hand painted signs decorating the city. Although it is not as common today, the craft still continues.
Grand Funk Railroad’s name is a play on words of the Grand Trunk Western Railroad, a railroad line that ran through the its home town of Flint, Michigan. This documentary short reveals the lighter side of this American Rock ‘n’…
This short documentary from The New York Times captures the rise and fall of a courtroom sketch artist in Texas. (Produced by: Ramtin Nikzad)
Footage captured minutes before April’s deadly Everest avalanche highlights the Sherpas’ pride and resilience that not only support western expeditions but also the Sherpas’ families far below. Produced by: Vikram Singh, Rajneesh Bhandari and Taige Jensen
Short promotional documentary about the early days of Soundgarden. Reports that “the guys want to be Chris, and the girls want to make love to Chris.”