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MANSON (1973)

This film played at the New Beverly on August 9th 2016, followed by a Q&A with the director Robert Hendrickson who died two months later. Manson remains one of the most powerful documentaries on Charles Manson, chock-full of actual footage of…

‘HOLY HELL’: Director of Cult Documentary Interviewed

“Holy Hell,” a documentary directed by Will Allen, tells of the filmmaker’s time with the Buddhafield, a Los Angeles–based “spiritual group” he joined in the 1980s. Director Will Allen shares clips from the documentary as well as the trailer, and…

‘HOLY HELL’: Feels like a Hollywood Feature, But it’s Really a Great Documentary

By Gregory Crofton You may think you’ve seen a documentary that reveals what it’s like inside a cult, but you’ve never seen one like this. It was made from the inside out. Its director, William Francesco Allen, was once the…

A Cult Breaks Up a Couple in Love

A love story that got lost over 40 years. The two characters in this documentary short, Ron Raffaelli, and Charlene Peters “Isis Aquarian,” went their separate ways — one joining a cult, called “The Source Family,” and another continuing his…

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