Leonard Cohen on Moonlight

“I don’t feel any compulsion just to stand under the spotlight night after night unless I have something to say“ – Leonard Cohen One evening in December of 1974, Leonard Cohen went on WBAI FM in New York City. This…

Patti Smith on Bob Dylan and Getting Bleeped

“When people say fuckin’ shit, they don‘t think of a big turd, or two people makin’ it anymore” — Patti Smith in May 1976, as told to Mick Gold In the spring of 1976, Patti Smith made her debut in…

Kurt Vonnegut on Man-Eating Lampreys

In November 1970, Kurt Vonnegut walked into a class room at NYU. He was a guest speaker that day. He’d prepared some handwritten notes on what he wanted to say: there were his thoughts on the art of writing, his…

Heath Ledger on Role Playing

The PBS Digital series “Blank on Blank” puts a Heath Ledger interview to animation. “My nervous energy is usually the easiest form of energy to tap into” – Heath Ledger Interview by Christine Spines in Fall 2005. Her profile ran…

Barry White on Making Love

“One of the great highlights of my career then (1970s) was when Ted Kennedy when he printed in print that the only music he listens to on his yacht, in his home is Barry White music.” — Barry White interviewed…

James Brown on Conviction, Respect and Reagan

“Black is not a color; it’s an attitude. It’s the attitude of independence, respect and dignity.” – James Brown Interview by Rocci Fisch in 1984. Washington, D.C. Convention Center Originally recorded for ABC News Radio (Source: PBS Digital – “Blank…

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