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For nearly a decade, Amazon has recruited thousands of RVers for a seasonal labor unit called CamperForce. This short doc looks at the near Depression that hit in 2008. (Source: Field of Vision) Adapted from the book Nomadland: Surviving America…

A Decentralized Web is Coming

Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter are in the federal government’s crosshairs, but the technology necessary to undermine their dominance may already exist. (Source: ReasonTV)

Climate Change: The Trouble with Trees

Tree-planting has been hailed as a solution to climate change. But how much can trees really do to tackle global warming? See our research here: https://econ.st/32HXvXY

The Crime Story Podcast with Kary Antholis, he speaks with David Simon Creator of ‘The Wire’

https://the-crime-story-podcast.simplecast.com/episodes/6wL0lXWU Together with his book Homicide, The Corner was the foundation for David’s series The Wire, which has been widely acclaimed as one of the great television series of all time. My aim in sitting down with David was to try to dig into…

How Black Americans were robbed of their land

Over the course of the 20th century, black Americans have lost approximately 12 million acres of land. This mass land dispossession—a war waged by deed of title, which has affected 98 percent of black farmers—can only be called theft, says…

How Kim Jong-un Gets His $500,000 Mercedes

Kim Jong-un frequently shows off the Mercedes he has obtained in open defiance of U.N. sanctions intended to ban luxury goods from North Korea. Using shipping data, corporate records, satellite imagery and interviews, our investigation tracks the circuitous routes used…

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