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The Most Over-Fished Sea in the World

The Mediterranean supports countries in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa—but its fish stocks are almost completely collapsed. Meet the man who is leading attempts to revive its marine habitats. (Source: The Economist)

Kurt Vile in Upstate New York

A month before the release of his excellent 2018 album Bottle It In, Kurt Vile retreated to the Catskills in Upstate New York for a weekend of solace. Residing in a 20-bedroom Victorian estate called Big Indian Springs, Vile spent time preparing for…

The (Mueller) Report: Lawfare & Goat Rodeo Series

On April 18th 2019, the Justice Department released the redacted Mueller Report to the public. The 448 page document details a story that has captured America’s attention. From Russian plots to interfere in our election to constitutional questions of executive…


For nearly a decade, Amazon has recruited thousands of RVers for a seasonal labor unit called CamperForce. This short doc looks at the near Depression that hit in 2008. (Source: Field of Vision) Adapted from the book Nomadland: Surviving America…

A Decentralized Web is Coming

Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter are in the federal government’s crosshairs, but the technology necessary to undermine their dominance may already exist. (Source: ReasonTV)

Climate Change: The Trouble with Trees

Tree-planting has been hailed as a solution to climate change. But how much can trees really do to tackle global warming? See our research here: https://econ.st/32HXvXY

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