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The Jeffrey Epstein scandal – Tara Brown reports how a New York billionaire masterminded an international sex trafficking ring of young women, and why wealthy and powerful men, including Prince Andrew, are now implicated in the saga. (Source: 60 Minutes…
William “Wild Bill” Holbert was convicted of killing five expat Americans in idyllic Panama province. Learn more about Holbert here.
On March 8, Damain Martin drowned in a canal near Sunrise, Florida. Martin, who was 16 years old, was trying to escape the police officers who had spotted him and a group of friends in a car that was reported…
Filmed at the 2019 Elementary Chess Championships at the Nashville Opryland resort, a group of children share their uninhibited, philosophical insights about the benefits of chess. Presented by US Chess Producers: Jenny Schweitzer, Jennifer ShahadeDirector & DP: Jenny SchweitzerExecutive Producer:…
A look at Brooklyn’s Coney Island through a split-screen tour of its iconic landmarks: Nathan’s Famous hot dogs, the Cyclone roller coaster, and the beach. (Source: The New Yorker)
A tank that drives itself. A drone that picks its own targets. A machine gun with facial recognition software. Sounds like science fiction? A.I. fueled weapons are already here. (Source: The New York Time Video)