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By Gregory Crofton The Sundance Film Festival begins Thursday in Park City, Utah. The following titles are the sixteen documentaries chosen to compete in the U.S. Documentary Competition, which include work well-known doc makers, the Ross brothers and Jesse Moss.…
Iranians have taken to the streets in protest after the government admitted, following three days of denials, that it accidentally shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet. Here’s everything we know about that seven-minute flight. (Source: The New York Times)
Football star Aaron Hernandez went from the bright lights of the Super Bowl to a convicted murderer in a few years. The Boston Globe’s Spotlight Team, best known for its investigation of the sexual abuse scandal inside the Catholic Church,…
The Chicago Tribune’s Michael Phillips and Tasha Robinson from The Next Picture Show are back for this year’s Best of ’19 roundtable, and in part one it’s the panel’s “outlier” picks – films which only made a single Top 10.…
1/9/20 podcast from the BBC show, “Assignment.” This episode features 90-year-old Galina, one of the last witnesses to the wild natural world that preceded the Chernobyl zone in southern Belarus. ‘We lived with wolves’ she says ‘and moose, and elk…
With the Academy Awards set for Feb. 9th, take a few minutes to focus on the five films nominated for Best Documentary Feature. Two films are available to watch in full on Netflix, a third is available via PBS online.…