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Donald Trump awards the loyalty of his political allies today by calling out their names and asking them to stand up. (Source: CSPAN)
Bob Tillman has spent nearly 5 years and $1.4 million trying to convert his laundromat into new housing in San Francisco. (Source: Reason)
Barack and Michelle Obama picked the film “American Factory” to be the first film backed by their company Higher Ground. Now the film is Oscar nominated for Best Documentary Feature and available on Netflix. Pure Nonfiction host Thom Powers interviews…
“Past Life,” a documentary by Maggie Rogers, celebrating the one year anniversary of her album ‘Heard It In A Past Life.’ (Source: Maggie Rogers YouTube Channel)
Brain scans and imaging specialist Daniel Amen gives a Ted Talk about brain health, and points out that it’s ridiculous psychiatry does not yet require brain imaging for diagnosis. (Source: TedTalks)
In 2009, Charla Nash was savagely mauled by a friend’s pet chimpanzee. She lost her hands, eyelids, nose and lips in the frenzied attack. In fact, by the time help arrived, there was nothing much left of her face at…