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Point-of-View: Felix Baumgartner’s Space Jump

Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner takes his profession to today’s very limit by parachuting out of a capsule high above Earth wearing a spacesuit. This is a 9-minute documentary recorded by cameras attached to Baumgartner during his free fall.

Cheap Trick: 80s Rock on TV

“I think image and music work together. They walk hand-in-hand, especially these days. You need both. I think the whole package is fun, positive Rock ‘n’ Roll to the hilt.” — Robin Zander, lead singer of Cheap Trick

The Agony of Jimmy Quinlan

The Agony of Jimmy Quinlan, , provided by the National Film Board of Canada This documentary follows Jimmy Quinlan, one of some 5000 men and women who have abandoned their jobs and families to live in the streets and alleys…

JERRY’S DELI: Portrait of a Cantankerous Chicago Business Owner

“The customer walks in the door he must give his order immediately. If not, sometimes I push him back out to read the menu on the outside. If it’s too cold I let him stand there but I force him…

Olympic Bombing 1996: Richard Jewell was The Wrong Man

“For 88 days I lived a nightmare. For 88 days my mother lived a nightmare too. In it’s rush for the headline that the hero was the bomber. The media cared nothing for my feeling as a human being.” —…

Witnesses Recall Roswell UFO Crash

“He had this club or stick … and he was beating it on his hand. Every time he would say something he would hit his hand. And he said, ‘I want you to know you were never there.’ I didn’t…

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