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“This morning William is late. The pound is already rising. He must decide within minutes whether to jump on the bandwagon and buy some pounds in the hope that they’ll go on going up.” — from “Billion Dollar Day”
Cam Zink made history in 2013 on the Oakley Icon Sender at Red Bull Rampage completing the biggest freeride mountain bike step-down backflip in history getting him 3rd place in the competition.
“If somebody don’t like something that I do, that’s his or her prerogative. Just like it’s mine.” —Ray Charles Interview by Joe Smith June 3, 1987. Cassette Tape
1985 interview with former Detroit Tigers pitcher Mark “The Bird” Fidrych about his career and injury. From the Chicago television series “Once a Star.”
Inside the New York Times photo archives, known as the “morgue,” the filmmaker Katerina Cizek and the archivist Jeff Roth discuss the making of “A Short History of the Highrise.”
Duke Riley, a Brooklyn artist, trained 50 homing pigeons to fly from Havana, Cuba, to the Florida Keys carrying cigars and cameras to record the journey.