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Bethany McLean Interviewed About ‘All the Devils Are Here,’ Her Book on the 2008 Financial Crisis

C-Span’s Brian Lamb interviews Bethany McLean, author of “All The Devils Are Here: The Hidden History of the Financial Crisis.” She discusses life after the Enron scandal and the economic recession.

Kim Dotcom: The Man Behind Mega

A man known as Kim Dotcom, previously convicted of tech related crimes, is living under house arrest at his New Zealand mansion playing video games and making music. New Zealand police, working in conjunction with the U.S. government, raided his…

James Meredith Recounts Integrating Ole Miss

The activist, author and first black graduate of the University of Mississippi remembers his integration of the school not as a struggle for civil rights but for citizenship. Meredith talks about the strength he got from his belief in God,…

‘Is England Still Influencing America?’: Christopher Hitchens on William F. Buckley’s ‘Firing Line’

“Firing Line” was an American public affairs show founded and hosted by conservative William F. Buckley, Jr., founder and publisher of National Review magazine. Its 1,504 episodes over 33 years made “Firing Line” the longest-running public affairs show in television…

Depression: The Secret We Share

In a talk equal parts eloquent and devastating, writer Andrew Solomon takes you to the darkest corners of his mind during the years he battled depression. That led him to an eye-opening journey across the world to interview others with…

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