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The Dark Shadow of Agent Orange

The use of Agent Orange in the Vietnam War continues to cast a dark shadow over American veterans and the Vietnamese.

Evel Knievel on The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson

Legendary stuntman Evel Knievel is interviewed by Johnny Carson about his pelvis-crushing crash in 1967 after attempting to motorcycle jump the fountains at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

The Confessions of R. Crumb

A BBC documentary about cartoonist R. Crumb. This precedes the Terry Zwigoff film bio “Crumb” by seven years. Nowhere near as in-depth or powerful as the Zwigoff film, but probably an enjoyable view for fellow R. Crumb devotees nonetheless.

‘Gore Vidal: The United States of Amnesia’: Interview with Director Nicholas Wrathall

“Gore Vidal: The United States of Amnesia” is a documentary about the brilliant author/philosopher/provocateur, Gore Vidal. Director Nicholas Wrathall shares his doc in this uncensored interview with film and trailer footage. Atheism, promiscuity, war, religion, and the police state of…

Junger Discusses His Documentary ‘KORNEGAL’

Journalist and filmmaker Sebastian Junger discusses the making of “Korengal,” the follow up film to his Academy Award-nominated documentary “Restrepo.” (Produced and directed by Barry Rubinow)

Gentleman of Letters: A Dublin Sign Painting Film

Gentlemen of Letters – A Dublin Sign Painting Film from Colin Brady on Vimeo. Dublin has a rich history of hand painted signs decorating the city. Although it is not as common today, the craft still continues.

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