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A Frenchman with video camera and microphone corners David Vincent, lead singer and bassist for the Death Metal band Morbid Angel, for a post-concert interview.
What does “net neutrality” mean? Why should it be important to everyone? This New York Times Op-Doc attempts to explain why there should be no pay-for-fast lanes on the Internet, instead it should be treated like a utility.
When acclaimed documentary filmmaker D.A. Pennebaker (Monterey Pop, The War Room) filmed Bob Dylan during a three-week concert tour of England in the spring of 1965, he had no idea he was about to lens one of the 1960s most…
“112 WEDDINGS,” a documentary on the experience of filming couples for their wedding ceremony is shared by acclaimed documentary director, Doug Block.
BLOOMBERG GAME CHANGERS follows Larry Ellison from his early days in Chicago through the founding of the multi-billion-dollar software company to his rise as the highest paid executive of the last decade with a total compensation of $1.84 billion.
Comedienne Joan Rivers sat down with Fredricka Whitfield to discuss her new book, but stormed out before it was over.