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David Vincent of Morbid Angel Flew Virgin

A Frenchman with video camera and microphone corners David Vincent, lead singer and bassist for the Death Metal band Morbid Angel, for a post-concert interview.

A Threat to Internet Freedom

What does “net neutrality” mean? Why should it be important to everyone? This New York Times Op-Doc attempts to explain why there should be no pay-for-fast lanes on the Internet, instead it should be treated like a utility.

Rock Critic Interviews Pennebaker about Filming Bob Dylan

When acclaimed documentary filmmaker D.A. Pennebaker (Monterey Pop, The War Room) filmed Bob Dylan during a three-week concert tour of England in the spring of 1965, he had no idea he was about to lens one of the 1960s most…

Bring Your Own Documentary: ‘112 Weddings’ From Doug Block

“112 WEDDINGS,” a documentary on the experience of filming couples for their wedding ceremony is shared by acclaimed documentary director, Doug Block.

Larry Ellison: The Man Behind the Oracle Empire

BLOOMBERG GAME CHANGERS follows Larry Ellison from his early days in Chicago through the founding of the multi-billion-dollar software company to his rise as the highest paid executive of the last decade with a total compensation of $1.84 billion.

Joan Rivers Storms Out of a CNN Interview

Comedienne Joan Rivers sat down with Fredricka Whitfield to discuss her new book, but stormed out before it was over.

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