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Alexia Tsotsis, co-editor at TechCrunch, talks to Sophia Amoruso of Nasty Gal about her new book “#GirlBoss,” her philosophies, and how Amoruso built her online clothing company that racks up more than $100 million in sales each year.
Before DNA testing, prosecutors relied on less sophisticated forensic techniques, including microscopic hair analysis, to put criminals behind bars. But how reliable was hair analysis?
“Stop lighting the audience. Stop it. Let me do my show for Christ’s sake,” barks Billy Joel before ransacking the stage while continuing to sing “Sometimes A Fantasy.”
Whether this is the actual Zodiac on the phone is the question. His goal was to speak to Melvin Belli, a well-known attorney from the Bay Area who was a guest Jim Dunbar’s KGO television talk show. He first requested…
A Frenchman with video camera and microphone corners David Vincent, lead singer and bassist for the Death Metal band Morbid Angel, for a post-concert interview.
What does “net neutrality” mean? Why should it be important to everyone? This New York Times Op-Doc attempts to explain why there should be no pay-for-fast lanes on the Internet, instead it should be treated like a utility.