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Secrets of the Sun

PBS’ Nova looks at the Sun and solar physics. Just one stunning fact from the show: More than one million Earths could fit inside the Sun. The Sun is not liquid or solid, it’s plasma with a core full of…

A Marriage to Remember

In this short documentary, the filmmaker Banker White explores how Alzheimer’s disease has revealed the strength of his parents’ marriage.

They Are the Body Collectors: A Perilous Job in the Time of Ebola

On a recent morning, the body collectors pull up to their first stop: a dirt lot at the edge a steep hill overlooking a river. They’ve come to collect the corpse of Rachel Wleh.The men change out of jeans and…

Where is Josh Harris Now? Catching Up With This Internet Prophet

Before Mark Zuckerberg ever got his first computer, Josh Harris, founder of Jupiter Communications, had made many millions in the tech world forecasting Internet trends and predicted that we would share everything online. In 1994, Harris founded Pseudo Networks, a…

The Creation of a News Story

Eddie Becker spends a day with Myron “Mike” Waldman, correspondent for Newsday’s Washington Bureau, as he works on a story about a bill for the extension of unemployment benefits.

Interview With Joe Torre: Yankee’s No. 6 Looks Back

On Saturday, Aug. 23, the Yankees will retire Joe Torre’s number in a ceremony at Yankee Stadium. The New York Times’s Tyler Kepner recently interviewed Torre about his long baseball career.

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