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World Series of Poker Documentary

The idea of a World Series of Poker began in 1969 with an event called the Texas Gambling Reunion. It was an invitational event sponsored by Tom Moore of San Antonio, Texas, and held at the Holiday Hotel and Casino…

Making of ‘Boyhood’: Twelve Years on Film

“Boyhood” was released this summer to great fanfare, and for good reason: No other movie has been made the same way. Shot over twelve years with the same cast, Boyhood captures a dozen years of the lives of its young…

‘THE WHITMANS’: A Film About Two Broken-Hearted Parents

A film about two heart-broken parents. This documentary follows Ron and Sue Witman, fifteen years after their lives were turned upside down. Filmed and edited by Joe Lee, Nikolas Diener, and Gregory Timmons. Produced by Adam Evans and Cody Taylor,…

Talking to Marshall Curry: Director of ‘Point and Shoot’ Documentary

Matthew VanDyke set out on a motorcycle journey across North Africa with a camera to document his quest to find himself. He landed in Libya, where he ended up joining in the revolution against Gaddafi’s regime. Academy Award nominee Marshall…

Getting to Bob Dylan

Filmed in Bob Dylan’s trailer while he was working on the Hollywood movie “HEARTS OF FIRE,” in which Dylan played a retired rocker called Billy Parker. This clip is part of a BBC ‘Omnibus’ documentary called ‘Getting to Dylan’ (1987).

Recording Engineer Garth Hudson Returns the Basement of Bob Dylan

Rolling Stone returns with Garth Hudson to Big Pink for the first time since he moved out. Watch him reminisce about times past and explain of the recording secrets of Bob Dylan’s The Basement Tapes. Don’t miss the end of…

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