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THE HUNTING GROUND, the documentary exposé on the campus rape epidemic at colleges across America, is shared with the trailer, clips, and deeper explanation by filmmakers Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering.
[iframe id=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/f-Bco-DgGcI?list=PLcxospALM0Fq4ZRsj-kbOaDgBcAa4YFtj”] James Meredith integrated the University of Mississippi in 1962. The change resulted in a riot on the Ole Miss campus that left two people dead.
From Democracy Now! — A shocking story of how thousands of children in Pennsylvania were jailed by two corrupt judges who received $2.6 million in kickbacks from the builders and owners of private prison facilities.
Learn about “Sex Magic,” the Shaman Methods, affirmations, and meet healer Baba Dez in this workshop.
This animated documentary from The New York Times’ Op-Docs Series tells the story of polar explorer Alfred Wegener, the unlikely scientist behind continental drift theory.
Recorded in New York City at The New School, this TimesTalks is poignant because it’s hosted by The New York Times media columnist David Carr shortly before his sudden death from lung cancer and heart disease. It’s also an important…