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Richard Ashcroft on British Masters

In this episode of British Masters our host John Doran sits down with former Verve frontman Richard Ashcroft ahead of the release of his fourth solo album ‘These People.’ Ashcroft discusses fatherhood, what he misses about the North, and his…

Richard Feynman on What It Means

“The key was somehow to know what was important and what was not important, what was exciting, because I can’t learn everything.” – Richard Feynman in 1966 If you don’t really have a head for math and science, physics may…

Panama Papers: A Storm is Coming

The Panama Papers, a collection of 11.5 million files leaked from Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca, just went live online.

Storm Stories: Tornado Hits Downtown Nashville

Recorded on March 8, 2004, this TWC Storm Stories episode gives an account of the infamous tornado that struck downtown Nashville, Tennessee on Thursday, April 16, 1998. Includes cameos by News Channel 5’s chief meteorologist Ron Howes, as well as…

Skier Survives 1,600 Foot Fall

Pro skiing veteran, Ian McIntosh, narrowly escapes with his life after what TGR Co Founder, Todd Jones, says “was the most terrifying crash I’ve ever seen.” While filming for Paradise Waits up in the Neacola range of AK, Mac dropped…

The Terminator and Artificial Intelligence

What the legendary matches between supercomputer Deep Blue and chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov reveal about today’s artificial intelligence and machine learning fears.(Source: The New York Times Retro Report)

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