To Scale: The Solar System

On a dry lakebed in Nevada, a group of friends build the first scale model…

Exxon Researched Climate Change in 1977

A short film from Frontline about Exxon’s early research into climate change produced in collaboration…


[iframe id=”″] GENOCRACY focuses on the recent advancements of genetic technologies as well as the…

Inside the World of the Iceman

Wim Hof first caught the attention of scientists when he proved he was able to…

A photograph from a feature story about black holes by The New York Times.
Black Hole Hunters

From The New York Times: Astronomers hope the Event Horizon Telescope, a synchronized network of…

An animated documentary short about geologist Albert Wegener.
Animated Life: Pangea

This animated documentary from The New York Times’ Op-Docs Series tells the story of polar…
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