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The Boy in the Bubble

In the early 1970s, an unusual boy, David Vetter, captivated the nation. Now, decades later,…

Fashion Billionaire Peter Discusses Stem Cell Research

Interview with women’s fashion mogul Peter Nygard about his research with stem cells. He tells…

What Is Consciousness?

Understanding what consciousness is, and why and how it evolved, is perhaps the greatest mystery…

Life as a Female Body Builder: ‘It’s My Body Amour’

Pro-bodybuilder Rene Campbell, 38, is ‘bigorexic’ – devoted to making herself as large as possible…

A Dying Young Woman’s Hope in Cryonics and a Future

Kim knew she was dying, but she believed that cryonic preservation had a “1 or…

The Nanny Murder Trial

In 1997, a young British nanny charged with murder brought shaken baby syndrome into the…

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