Most of us have only ever eaten cranberries as juice or that jiggly sauce we…
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How to Make Pumpkin Soup
For Thanksgiving, André Soltner prepares a version of pumpkin soup that he watched his mother…
Roasted: A Coffee Documentary
“Roasted” is a documentary directed by Matt Ellenbogen. It is the story of how one…
Black Coffee: The Irresistible Bean
The beginning of a three-part documentary on coffee. It starts where coffee came from: Ethiopia,…
Salty Dogs: A Day in the Life of Lobster Fishermen
Salty Dogs (2011) from 18% Productions on Vimeo. From morning till night Some weathered salty…
How to Make Classic Baked Beans
Baked beans are an American classic. This updated version is perfectly balanced with sweetness from…