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‘112 WEDDINGS’: Another Documentary From Filmmaker Doug Block

By Gregory Crofton If you like documentaries a lot, you might have heard about him…

Showtime’s Richard Pryor Doc Forgets the Comedy and Humanity

I laughed hard at the start of “RICHARD PRYOR: OMIT THE LOGIC.” But as the…

‘DETROPIA’: An Arty Meditation, Good for a Slow Sunday

By Gregory Crofton Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing’s documentary (they made the Oscar-nominated JESUS CAMP)…

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ANNE FRANK REMEMBERED: Oscar-Winning Doc Brings Anne and Nazi Regime to Life

Because it was released in 1995, before the stream of sensational documentaries we’ve experienced in…

‘THE SOURCE FAMILY’: About a Cult Leader Who Liked to Rock and Eat Health Food

Before Father Yod became a health food cult leader, he served as a U.S. Marine,…

‘LIFE WITH MURDER’ Unravels Its Twisted and Unbelievable Story Perfectly

“LIFE WITH MURDER” unlocks a story so complicated and fragile that director John Kastner has…

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