A new documentary about survivors of Hurricane Katrina.
‘FORCED CHANGE’ Looks at Katrina Survivors 10 Years On

[kickstarter id=”950466849/forced-change”] It’s been nearly 10 years since Hurricane Katrina flooded New Orleans and the…

Netflix’s Rise is Keeping Documentary Fans Away from Theaters

By Gregory Crofton The future is here and now for documentaries and it means watching…

South Vietnamese load onto a helicopter to escape the wrath of North Vietnamese.
‘Last Days of Vietnam’: Relevant Subject But Numbingly Told

By Gregory Crofton Sometimes a movie comes out that isn’t professionally criticized. There are too…

Resistance is a new documentary about the overuse of antibiotics and the impact it has on the natural world.
When Antibiotics Stop Working: ‘RESISTANCE’

By Gregory Crofton Documentary filmmakers are increasingly doing it all themselves — making the movie,…

Roman Polanski’s ‘Weekend of a Champion’: Formula 1 Racing in 1971 Monaco

By Gregory Crofton Roman Polanski produced a documentary between the time he made the his…

40 YEARS ON THE FARM: A Tennessee Commune that Invented a Radiation Detector and More; Includes Full Doc

By Gregory Crofton The documentary “40 Years on the Farm” is about something rare —…

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