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A 97-year-old Philosopher Faces His Own Death

Herbert Fingarette once argued that there was no reason to fear death. At 97, his…

Five Films from 2019 Nominated for Best Documentary

With the Academy Awards set for Feb. 9th, take a few minutes to focus on…

I Was in The Black Eyed Peas. Then I Quit.

In the mid-1990s, the singer and songwriter Kim Hill met a young rapper who suggested…

The Magic of Chess

Filmed at the 2019 Elementary Chess Championships at the Nashville Opryland resort, a group of…

A Hundred Years of Coney Island

A look at Brooklyn’s Coney Island through a split-screen tour of its iconic landmarks: Nathan’s…

A.I. is Making It Easier to Kill (You)

A tank that drives itself. A drone that picks its own targets. A machine gun…

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