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The Groovy Origins of the Waterbed

You remember waterbeds. The plush, squishy mattresses. The hours of bouncy fun. It all started…

‘First Call’ is About Drinking In Manhattan at 8 AM

A 50-minute documentary about people from Manhattan who liked to drink in bars during the…

‘FALSE WITNESS’: Did a Doctor Kill His Wife and Two Children? Or was it a bunch of hippies?

Dr. Jeffrey R. MacDonald was convicted of killing his pregnant wife and two daughters in…

Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins Describes his Work for Moon Mission

While Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were setting foot on the moon’s surface, Michael Collins…

Charles Manson Interview With Penny Daniels 1989

Having just read Tom O’ Neill’s book “CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret…

Plunging On Alone: Monte Hellman’s Life in a Day

Director: Paul Joyce Cast: Monte Hellman, director “The Shooting,” “Two-Lane Black Top,” “Cockfighter” and more.…

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