The Arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell is Just the Beginning

There was little Jeffrey Epstein wouldn’t do to satisfy his lust for young women and…

Opiods Inc.

Pushing opioids, bribing doctors and making millions. Frontline and the Financial Times investigate how Insys…

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Author Tom O’Neill talks new book on LSD, Mind Control and Charles Manson

Tom O’Neill’s new book “Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the…

Victims of Jeffrey Epstein Speak Out About Sex Abuse

The Jeffrey Epstein scandal – Tara Brown reports how a New York billionaire masterminded an…

Aaron Sandusky Has Spend Years in Prison for Selling Medical Cannabis

President Obama denied Aaron Sandusky clemency. Will President Trump set this man free? His prison…

A short film from Laura Poitras and Field of Vision.
Project X

A top-secret handbook takes viewers on an undercover journey to Titanpointe, the site of a…
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