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The Lost Stevie Ray Vaughan Interview

A rare interview with the blues guitarist legend, and Texan, Stevie Ray Vaughan. He died…

Richard Brody: A Film Critic for The New Yorker

Richard Brody watches movies backwards, preferably with a snack. Together with David Denby and Anthony…

Robert Drew Taught Everyone Else How to Catch Life on Camera

Robert Drew (left), president and founder of Drew Associates, an independent documentary film producer, explains…

James Dean Remembered

An ABC documentary special from 1974 that remembers the actor James Dean. He took part…

Nasty Gal CEO Interviewed by Weird, Rude Tech Reporter

Alexia Tsotsis, co-editor at TechCrunch, talks to Sophia Amoruso of Nasty Gal about her new…

Larry Ellison: The Man Behind the Oracle Empire

BLOOMBERG GAME CHANGERS follows Larry Ellison from his early days in Chicago through the founding…

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