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By Shuhan Fan and Luther Clement Ms. Fan and Mr. Clement are filmmakers. You might think that Keeth Smart, the stoic Olympic fencer portrayed in this film, would be morose as he recounts his parents’ passing or his own brush with death. Instead,…
The Mediterranean supports countries in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa—but its fish stocks are almost completely collapsed. Meet the man who is leading attempts to revive its marine habitats. (Source: The Economist)
By Gregory Crofton In the heart of Kingston, Jamaica, reggae took root above Randy’s Record Mart. In the late 1950s, a second-hand record store owned by Vincent “Randy” Chin became a “watering hole” for musicians and songwriters. Chin had gotten…
By Gregory Crofton Good journalists can be a check on political power. In the day and age of President Donald Trump, a stalwart journalist and advocate of citizen rights like Molly Ivins is something we as a country are sorely…
A month before the release of his excellent 2018 album Bottle It In, Kurt Vile retreated to the Catskills in Upstate New York for a weekend of solace. Residing in a 20-bedroom Victorian estate called Big Indian Springs, Vile spent time preparing for…
On April 18th 2019, the Justice Department released the redacted Mueller Report to the public. The 448 page document details a story that has captured America’s attention. From Russian plots to interfere in our election to constitutional questions of executive…