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Crystal Meth Addict James Interviewed

Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of James, a crystal meth addicted man living on Skid Row. (Source: Soft White Underbelly)

Pauline Kael changed the movies with her reviews in The New Yorker, but this doc packs in too much

By Gregory Crofton If you like the movies, you’ll probably find plenty of worth in “What She Said: The Art of Pauline Kael.” It’s filled with clips from classic films like “Citizen Kane,” (1941), “Lawrence of Arabia” (1962) and “One…

‘Who Killed Malcolm X?’ is Bloody, Plainly True and streaming on Netflix

By Gregory Crofton Malcolm X’s home was firebombed a week before he was shot to death in Manhattan on Feb. 21, 1965. Metal pellets from a sawed-off shotgun blast pierced his heart and caused his death. The shooting involved five…

Construction Workers on the Chrysler Building in 1929

New York’s Chrysler Building, one of the city’s most iconic skyscrapers, was built in a remarkably short time–foundation work began in November 1928, and the building officially opened in May 1930. Even more remarkably, the steelwork went up in just…

Oscar-nominated ‘Honeyland’ is filmmaking by candle light in Northern Macedonia

By Gregory Crofton Expected a cinematic take on a beekeeper’s life, but found an even richer story on honey gathering, the challenge of bad neighbors and the difficulty of living sustainably in a capitalistic world. All told the filmmaking team…

World’s Strongest Man is First to Lift 1,100 lbs

World’s strongest man Eddie “The Beast” Hall lifted 1,100 lbs in 2016. Blood came out of his nose, and his eyes turned from brown to blue. An unbelievable thing to watch.

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