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1570 Articles0 Comments

‘The Crime of the Century’ Shows How FDA Approved Language Led to Our Opioid Epidemic

By Gregory Crofton Opioid abuse has America in a death grip, and it’s been that way for decades. Why have we been so slow to respond to this massive public health problem? Money is the shortest answer. But Oscar-winning (Taxi…

‘First Call’ is About Drinking In Manhattan at 8 AM

A 50-minute documentary about people from Manhattan who liked to drink in bars during the morning. Most New York City bards during that era offered “first calls” ie. the bar opened and would/could serve you alcohol starting at 8 a.m.…

‘FALSE WITNESS’: Did a Doctor Kill His Wife and Two Children? Or was it a bunch of hippies?

Dr. Jeffrey R. MacDonald was convicted of killing his pregnant wife and two daughters in 1970. “False Witness” tells his side of the story. He puts the blame on some hippies supposedly spotted in the area. MacDonald claims they broke…

SELENA: Famous Singer’s Headquarters Under Construction in 1994

Selena. A broadcast news crew gets a tour of the Selena’s family compound, still under construction in 1994. She was shot dead that following year by a woman who ran her fan club. Selena Quintanilla-Pérez died at the age of…

Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins Describes his Work for Moon Mission

While Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were setting foot on the moon’s surface, Michael Collins was piloting the command module of Apollo 11, which got them all home. In a special edition of HARDtalk, Stephen Sackur spoke to Michael Collins…

Charles Manson Interview With Penny Daniels 1989

Having just read Tom O’ Neill’s book “CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties,” this interview is fascinating.

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