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I Am Sorry from Christopher Durai on Vimeo. Ex-Davidson County Sheriff’s Deputy Frank Sykes speaks out through spoken word poetry about a system that has resulted in the deaths of so many black men, women and children.
Stewart Copeland talks about the drumming technique of Charlie Watts – Radio Broadcast from Aug. 25, 2021.
Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Mason Knox, a male stripper in Las Vegas. (Source: Soft White Underbelly)
Actor Val Kilmer’s voice was taken from him because of throat cancer. Old recordings of his voice have been used to recreate it through the use of a computer. Listen. (Source: Sonantic)
By Gregory Crofton Director Jason Pollock (Stranger Fruit) is back with another documentary that investigates the sudden death, and probable murder, of a young Black man. The 17-year-old Kendrick Johnson was found dead in a high school gym, his body…