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“I’m the poet,” writer Charles Bukowski tells a young woman he bumps into at a liquor store. She doesn’t hear him right and says what, “cola?” This is a 10-minute clip, the first part of a multi-part documentary directed by…
“Rowdy” Roddy Piper goads the Sheepherders into the ring by breaking a full bottle of Miller High Life on his head. The impact causes his forehead to bleed.
Volcano: An Inquiry into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry , Donald Brittain & John Kramer, provided by the National Film Board of Canada This feature-length Oscar®-nominated documentary focuses on Malcolm Lowry, author of one of the major novels…
Glenn Gould – Off the Record, Wolf Koenig & Roman Kroitor, provided by the National Film Board of Canada In this short documentary, Canadian concert pianist Glenn Gould enjoys a respite at his lakeside cottage. This is an aspect of…
An actress turns up dead at the home of Phil Spector and the lengendary music producer is charged with murder. Crime writer Aphrodite Jones uncovers videotape that Spector hoped would clear his name, but instead is a damning self-portrait.
Civil War Veterans on film, from the documentary “ECHOES OF THE BLUE & GRAY.” A reunion of veterans in 1938 at Gettysburg. Produced by Belle Grove Publishing Company.