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Kartemquin Films Looks Back at Its First Camera

Camera #1 from Kartemquin Films on Vimeo.

‘KLITSCHKO’: Documentary about Two Ukrainian Brothers Who Box

Watched “KLITSCHKO” last night on demand from HBO. It’s pretty long, but worth your time. Its beautifully framed, slow-motion shots of punches communicate the vicious reality of boxing. It also delves into the disaster at Chernobyl, as the boxing brothers…


One hundred and fifty years ago, the corporation was a relatively insignificant entity. Today, it is a vivid, dramatic and pervasive presence in all our lives. It is the dominant institution of our time. A complex, sobering, yet darkly amusing…

SONGS OHIA: “Farewell Transmission”

Watch this interview with Jason Molina, a singer-songwriter for Songs Ohia.

LOU BARLOW: The Making of His Record ‘Goodnight Unknown’

Domino will release Lou Barlow’s new album, “Goodnight Unknown.” In the four years since his career-redefining, mostly acoustic record “Emoh,” Lou Barlow has reunited with Dinosaur Jr. and reissued three of Sebadohs classic albums. But as the brilliant new “Goodnight…

‘LEVIATHAN’ is an Experimental Documentary About Commercial Fishing

LEVIATHAN (2012) 87 minutes Directed by Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Véréna Paravel The directors of this film have made something entirely new and different. “LEVIATHAN” is refreshing and admirable, but it requires patience. It’s a commercial fishing documentary, and one not…

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