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The Mission Red Bull Stratos, a mission to the edge of space, will attempt to transcend human limits that have existed for 50 years. Supported by a team of experts Felix Baumgartner plans to ascend to 120,000 feet in a…
Listen to one of the best documentary filmmakers working today, Jeff Feuerzeig, speak about his work on Bring Your Own Doc, including “The Real Rocky.”
Surprise. Bernie Madoff could be a prick who acted like he knew everything. The trailer for “In God We Trust,” a documentary set to premiere soon at Tribeca Film Festival reveals this Madoff character flaw, hopefully one of many interesting…
21-year-old Lance Loud, television’s first openly gay character, speaks with Dick Cavett about how being a public figure has affected his life. Pure entertainment and honesty from a true TV star.
The true story of this infamously criminal couple.