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Pirate Treasure Found in Wreck Off the Coast of Massachusetts

After years of searching, underwater explorer Barry Clifford made world headlines in 1985 with his discovery of the first fully verified pirate shipwreck: the Whydah, which sank near Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in April 1717. (Source: NatGeo)

The Legacy of the Tailhook Navy Sex Scandal

Military sexual assault is not a new phenomenon. A second look at the Tailhook scandal in 1991 reveals what happened then. And what it all means now. Read the story here.

Biosphere 2: An American Space Odyssey

With dreams of colonizing space, eight people sealed themselves in a glass biosphere in 1991. But they eventually “suffocated, starved and went mad.” (Source: The New York Times)

‘STORIES WE TELL’: Disappointing, Blame the Heralding Critics

By Gregory Crofton I don’t blame the director Sarah Polley. She surely worked hard to make “STORIES WE TELL,” an innovative documentary, in order to honor and get to know her mother, a woman who died from cancer when Sarah…

‘112 WEDDINGS’: Another Documentary From Filmmaker Doug Block

By Gregory Crofton If you like documentaries a lot, you might have heard about him — Doug Block. He runs The D-Word web site, a resource and forum for those who work in the documentary industry, and his most recent…

Thomas Wolfe’s Family Home

Considered by many to be one of the giants of 20th-century American literature, Thomas Wolfe immortalized his childhood home in his epic autobiographical novel, “Look Homeward, Angel.” Functioning as a state historic site, the Old Kentucky Home is a memorial…

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